Annual Training

MeridianComplete follows CMS guidelines to deliver the appropriate educational pieces to its provider network. Together, we will achieve outstanding quality and increased value in the care provided to our members. Below you'll see which training is required for your plan along with links to the training booklets and training modules.

Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA)

Our FWA overview assists providers participating in FWA prevention and detection. Providers required to complete training: All contracted Medicare providers.

Cultural Humility ADA Training

Our Cultural Humility Training provides important information to support providers in caring for our members. This course will explore the fundamentals of health equity, including defining health equity, identifying root causes of health inequities, and describing ways to advance health equity in healthcare practice.

Providers required to complete this training: All providers intending to contract with and provide care to Meridian Members are strongly encouraged to complete trainings and review resources. 

Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®)

CAHPS surveys help members provide feedback on a variety of Meridian healthcare services they receive. Use the link below to learn more.

Jimmo v. Sebelius Information

On January 24, 2013, the U.S District Court for the District of Vermont approved a settlement agreement in the case of Jimmo v. Sebelius. The settlement clarifies skilled care delivery for skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), home health (HH), inpatient rehabilitation (IRFs), and outpatient therapy (OPT) benefits. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has instructed Medicare insurers like Meridian Health Plan to convey this information to our providers to ensure that services are provided and coverage determinations are adjudicated accurately and appropriately in accordance with associated policy.

For documentation requirements, revisions to relevant portions of the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, frequently asked questions and their responses, please visit the CMS websiteExternal Link or review the following materials below: